14 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the First iPhone

It was 16 years ago today that the first iPhone went on sale, six months after Steve Jobs took the stage at Macworld 2007 to introduce the first iPhone — “a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and a breakthrough Internet communications device” — and we’ve come a long way. Today’s iPhone 14 packs in the kind of power and features that we could barely dream of when the original iPhone debuted, and yet even today, generations later, we can see how much the original iPhone was a shadow of things to come.
If you’ve only joined the iPhone family in recent years you may find it hard to believe just how limited the original iPhone actually was compared to what came later — and why many critics actually panned the device when it first debuted. There were a lot of things the first iPhone couldn’t do compared even to the other smartphones of that era, but what the iPhone did do, it did brilliantly well — to the point where it made instant converts out of those of us who had lived through every other smartphone that came before.
As we mark 16 years since the day the iPhone went on sale, we’ve rounded up a list of a few of the things you may not have known about the original iPhone. Read on to find out more…