Always Use a Passcode or Password
I still see people who don’t use passcodes. That is insane! Some people say things like, “I don’t have anything to steal.” But this isn’t true. Our phones contain our entire lives, and information about most of our friends, family, and colleagues. Leaving your phone unlocked isn’t only a security no-no, it’s also just plain stupid. It’s not hard to type in a short passcode, and biometric features—such as Touch ID and Face ID—make it easy to login without hassle.
While even a four-digit PIN is better than nothing, Apple recommends at least six. That’s 10,000 possible combinations versus one million.
Of course, with the ability to access your phone with your fingerprint or face, you might want to consider an even more complex password. You aren’t limited to numbers (and the longer the better). Keep in mind you’ll need to type this in when your phone restarts, isn’t used in a couple of days, or when your face or fingerprint isn’t recognized.
By using a passcode/password, you’ll keep other people from being able to access your texts and emails, which can be used to gain access to a number of accounts (like your bank). Additionally, hackers could spam your contact list, and this could include phishing emails. In other words, using a passcode isn’t just better for you; it keeps your friends and family safer, too.