This Year Apple and (RED) Raised a Record $30M for The Global Fund

This Year Apple and (RED) Raised a Record $30 Million for The Global Fund Credit: Apple
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Apple and (RED)’s relationship goes way back. For over a decade Apple customers’ purchases have helped in the fight against HIV and AIDS. While (RED)’s main brand, Product (RED) generally consists of a participating company’s logo in parentheses, Apple under Steve Jobs didn’t like the idea of the Apple logo being used in such a way. But, that hasn’t stopped them from being a major contributor in donations and special (RED) branded products for the organization.

In celebration of World AIDS Day, Apple has announced that 2017 has been “a record year of giving” for the company as they’ve helped add $30 million to the Global Fund. The equivalent of 144 million days of medication for the prevention of the transmission of HIV to unborn babies from their mothers. The Global Fund (short for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria) is a worldwide organization with the goal of providing and distributing resources to help treat and prevent the transmission of AIDS, HIV, TB, and Malaria.

To date, Apple and (RED) have raised over $160 million through (RED) branded Apple products; including various iPods, an iPhone 7, multiple accessories, and more. In 2013 a one-off (RED) Mac Pro was donated to Sotheby’s (RED) Auction and sold for $977,000 (far surpassing an estimate of $40,000–$60,000 given by Sotheby’s). A pair of solid gold EarPods were also auctioned for over $400,000.

In addition to Apple’s and (RED)’s record donations, (RED) had its own amazing news reporting that it had raised over $500 million since its founding. Deb Dugan, CEO of (RED), said in a statement that Apple’s “unwavering support cannot be underestimated, and we thank every Apple employee for helping (RED) reach the milestone of half a billion dollars delivered to help end this disease.”

According to Apple’s latest press release, 1200 babies were born each day with HIV in 2005 and the much-needed medication is now accessible by over 20 million people. Additionally, the percentage of pregnant women with HIV benefiting from medical treatment was at 76% last year, up from 47% in 2010.

Since 1988, World AIDS Day has helped raise awareness across the globe and it is observed by all member states of the United Nations. Wikipedia states an estimated 28.9 million to 41.5 million people have been killed by AIDS, making it one of the most significant threats to public health worldwide. In recognition of World AIDS Day Apple has announced that more than 400 of its retail stores will sport a red Apple logo this week. Additionally, for every Apple Pay purchase made from Apple—in-store, online, or within the Apple Store app—they will donate $1 to the Global Fund. The App Store has also been updated to reflect apps and games that celebrate World AIDS Day and to offer limited-time donations through in-app purchases.

For a specific list of Apple’s (RED) products visit their dedicated page here.

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