Watch How the Apple Watch Ejects Water in Slow Motion

Apple Watch Slo Mo Water Eject Credit: The Slow-Mo Guys
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The Apple Watch is a dynamic device that allows users to operate one almost everywhere. From the mountains to the ocean, it’s accessible. But how does it operate in the water? And how does Water Lock work?

That’s the question popular YouTubers The Slo-Mo Guys attempt to answer in their latest video.

In the video, Gav (one of the Slo-Mo Guys) decides to film the Apple Watch as it enters Water Lock mode. This mode is where the Apple Watch locks up, making any attempt to access the screen futile.

Once the user is out of the water, they can spin the wheel lock, thus causing it to spit the water out through the speakers.

Frankly, it’s fascinating to watch. Check out the video below!

The Water Lock feature has been available since the Apple Watch Series 2 and has appeared in all forms of the device since then.

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