Verizon Wireless Bills to Climb Even Higher with Increased ‘Administrative Fees’ Starting in June

Verizon is already known as the most expensive wireless carrier.
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Bad news for Verizon Wireless customers. You better get ready to fork out more cash for your cellular bill. According to a recent report from Bloomberg, Verizon is raising the monthly administrative fee that it charges per line. It’s only a slight increase, but that doesn’t help when consumers are already stressed about their dwindling pocketbooks.

Verizon brags about being the best wireless carrier in the U.S., but that’s not its only claim to fame. Verizon is also known as the most expensive wireless carrier. Starting in June, the company is solidifying that reputation even further.

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According to the report, Verizon is raising its administrative fee by $1.35 per line. From now on, Verizon will charge each customer $3.13 per line up from $1.78 per line.

This price hike targets regular consumers, but they won’t be the only ones to feel this pain. Business customers also will see a similar increase thanks to a new “economic adjustment charge.” As a result of this new fee, business data charges will climb by $2.20 per line, while service plans will increase by $0.98. These new charges go into effect on June 16.

People may be tempted to bad-mouth Verizon for raising rates when people are struggling, but the carrier is not alone in hiking the price of its service. AT&T recently boosted the prices of its older wireless plans. Customers on these legacy plans will now pay $6 more for an individual line and $12 more for a family plan. Both Verizon and AT&T point to the declining economy as justification for their respective price increases.

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