Siri Drops More Hilarious Hints About Apple’s Sept 9th Event

Siri Drops More Hilarious Hints About Apple's Sept 9th Event
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When Apple issued press invitations for their highly-anticipated September 9th event, they added a fun bit of marketing to the invite.


The words “Hey Siri, give us a hint” appear in quotations on the invite, which, of course, led press members to ask Siri to do just that – give them a hint. In response to the request, Siri answered with a slew of teasing quips regarding the September 9th event.

Answers such as “You’ll have to wait until September 9. I bet you were one of those kids who snuck downstairs to open presents early, weren’t you?” and “You’re cute when you’re desperate for information” greeted users. Just one day before the big event, Siri has added several new “hints” for users looking for information.090815-SIRIHINTS-1

Like the last group of hints, the new ones fail to actually reveal any important information, they are certainly a fun and clever way for Apple to generate buzz surrounding the event.

The new batch of hints include such gems as “OK… here it is: 01000111 01101111 01110100 01100011 01101000 0110000 1”, which, translated from binary, spells “Gotcha”; and “Sorry. I missed the super secret keynote meeting because I was busy telling 3 million people why the chicken crossed the road.”

To hear the rest, simply hold down the home button on your phone, and ask Siri to give you a hint.090815-SIRIHINTS-2

Apple’s “Hey Siri” event will kick off tomorrow at 10AM PT at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco. During the event, the company is expected to unveil two new iPhones, several new iPad models (possibly even the iPad Pro), and a new Apple TV device. To follow along with the event, continue to check and follow us on Twitter, as we will be providing full coverage of the event from beginning to end.

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