Apple Will Open Its First Store in South Korea This Saturday

Seoul-Apple-Garosugil-team-member-01242018 Credit: Apple
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Apple has confirmed it’s to open its first store in South Korea this weekend, giving Korean customers the ability to try products before buying.

The store will open in Garosugil on Saturday at 10am, and Apple said it’ll bring its “products, in-store programming and services together for South Korean customers to experience for the first time all in one place”.

Located South of Han River, the shop shouts out the company’s traditional design DNA: simple but quirky. There’s a 25-foot glass facade as well as interior trees, “blurring the lines between the street and store”.

It offers customers access to the latest Apple products, in-store programming and maintenance services. In a statement, the company said it’s the “first time” that South Korean customers have had this experience.

Customers will also be able to sign up for a range of free “Today sessions”, which are aimed at inspiring them to improve their skills in areas such as photography, music, coding and art.

These sessions are led by creative professionals, who have ample experience in the arts. Apple said they’ll “bring the community together in the heart of the store”. The store is kitted out with a 6K video wall, too.

“Anyone can begin by taking a 30-minute Quick Start session, go further with experiential Photo Walks or attend a session for entrepreneurs, such as How to Run a Connected Business,” explained the firm.

“Educators and developers can also get hands-on advice and specialized training in the store’s dedicated Boardroom.”

140 members of staff will work at the store, all of whom can speak 15 languages collectively. Apple said they “will welcome visitors Saturday and provide the services and experiences that have become the hallmark for Apple Stores around the world”.

Angela Ahrendts, senior vice president of retail at the company, said: “We’re thrilled to open a new home for our customers in the vibrant city of Seoul and we look forward to continuing to grow in Korea.”

“Our stores are gathering places for the community where everyone is welcome to connect, learn and create.”

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