4. Better Multitasking
From iOS 4 to iOS 8, through six iPad generations (mini included), iOS was a one-app-at-a-time system. Check an email, switch apps, browse the web, switch again, send a message, switch back to Safari, etc. The process was cumbersome, and often times, users landed back on the home screen to dig into their next task.
Finally, in iOS 9, the iPad began its transformation into viable computer – when Apple added multitasking. Accessing a second app in iOS 9 and iOS 10 was clunky at best. With iOS 11, gone is the terrible app list and the drag-on-from-the-right action. Now, apps can be pulled from the Home screen, search, or dock and dropped onto either side of the screen, or floated over the primary app(s). This makes working across multiple apps significantly more convenient.