4 Mixing Augmented Reality and Dental Hygiene
Toothbrush manufacture Kolibree has a solution for parents who have a hard time getting their kids to regularly brush their teeth. Their newly unveiled Magik Toothbrush will mix dental hygiene and augmented reality to create a platform meant to make brushing teeth a fun game instead of a chore.
The system consists of a smart toothbrush that sports a sensor, as well as a connected AR app for iOS.
The toothbrush is able to detect the speed and movement of brushstrokes, and can even analyze it’s positioned. All of this is sent to the app, where children can watch themselves brush their own teeth while clad in AR masks or filters depending. Children are rewarded for good hygiene “scores” with different masks, as well as sticker packs. Ultimately, the system is meant to teach children how to properly clean their teeth — and allows parents to keep track of their child’s progress.