5 AirDrop

Image Credit: iPhone Hacks
From AirDrop to file sharing (and even within iMessage, as mentioned above), Apple makes it very easy for iOS users to share photos, files, music, and more with one another. Within the Photos app, users can create shared photo albums to easily exchange photos from a vacation, holiday, or even a party. The Notes app lets you share notes or even invite others to collaborate on a notes file together. And Apple Maps lets you share your location directly from a 3D Touch shortcut on the app itself. The collaboration and sharing options are endless within iOS. Apple has also made it easy for users or families who have multiple Apple devices thanks to AirDrop, iCloud (with family sharing plans), and Home Sharing. If you also own smart home appliances, Apple has created an easy way to connect and control these, too: HomeKit. This default Apple app allows the user to monitor, alter, and interact with their compatible smart-connected devices within their home.