5+ Places You Should Never Keep Your iPhone

Your iPhone is your constant companion. You take it with you everywhere you go, keeping it in pockets or bags without a second thought. But there are actually a handful of places that you may want to keep your iPhone out of. From locations that could damage your device to locations that may adversely affect your health, continue reading to learn about five places you should never keep your iPhone.
In Extreme Temperatures
Besides water or liquid, there are few things worse for an electronic device than heat. Once an iPhone reaches a certain temperature threshold, it will stop working properly to protect itself. But even before it hits that threshold, you could still run into problems and permanently damage your battery if you use it while it’s too hot.
You shouldn’t keep your iPhone on your dashboard, beach towel or anywhere else where it’s in direct sunlight. Keep it out of your glovebox, too. And ensure that your iPhone is never in a hot environment when it’s charging.
On a somewhat related note, it also pays to be mindful of cold temperatures, too. It isn’t the cold itself that can damage your smartphone, but subjecting an iPhone to a rapid difference in temperature (like when moving from an indoor environment to an outdoor one) that can lead to problems.
Under Your Pillow or in Bed
You shouldn’t be taking your iPhone into bed with you. For one, the blue light from its screen can actually affect melatonin levels and interfere with your sleep. That’s true as notifications come rolling in through the night, too.
But it’s also important because smothering an iPhone can cause it to overheat. This becomes much more of a problem if your device is plugged into a charger and in bed with you.
Not only can this damage your battery, as we’ve covered in a previous slide, but it could also be dangerous. Although iPhones aren’t especially prone to catching fire or electrocuting you, there’s a chance that those things can happen to any device with a lithium-ion battery. It’s better not to chance it.
In Your Pockets or Bra
Somewhere you shouldn’t keep an iPhone: your back pocket. You could potentially activate Siri by mistake or make random butt dials. But even more than that, your phone can cause posture or back problems. It’s also at a higher risk of being dropped or lost if it’s in your back pocket.
Keeping an iPhone in other places, like your front pocket, can also lead to problems. Some studies have shown that front pocket cell phone carrying can affect men’s reproductive health.
If you wear a bra, you may want to avoid keeping your phone there, too. While the jury is still out on whether smartphones can cause cancer (breast cancer in this case), the bacteria on smartphones probably isn’t something you want that close to your skin.
In the Bathroom
In the past, we took books or a newspapers into the bathroom with us. But nowadays, we typically take our iPhones. But, like with everything else on this list, it’s probably to a good idea to keep your iPhone out of the bathroom.
For one, flushing toilets are notorious for spreading fecal matter and bacteria across your bathroom. But there are other concerns, too. Keeping your iPhone in a steamy bathroom during a hot shower, for example, could cause liquid damage or void your warranty.
On a slightly different but still bathroom-related note, it’s imperative that you don’t use your smartphone at all near water when it’s charging. Not only can you damage your smartphone, but some people have died from dropping a charging device into a bath.
Directly on Your Face
There’s a good chance that your iPhone is harboring more bacteria than your toilet seat. Some of that toilet bacteria could even be getting on your smartphone, if you keep it in the bathroom (like we mentioned in the last slide).
Some experts warn against using an iPhone next to your head because of the radiation it gives off. As we alluded to previously, the science isn’t settled on the dangers of smartphone radiation. Either way, a bacteria-ridden iPhone is probably not something you want resting against your face.
We’re not saying you should refrain from taking calls on your iPhone entirely, but it’s probably smart to periodically clean it and use a Bluetooth headset when possible.