6 Ways to Improve Your Cardio Fitness VO2 Max | How To

With Apple’s focus on health sensors and integration with its Health app, it’s not surprising that the Apple Watch offers a ton of ways to help get fit. Some buyers even purchase the Apple Watch with the intent of improving their cardio routine, and while stats like heart rate are pretty obvious, there’s another important stat that the Apple Watch can help you measure – VO2 max, or the highest amount of oxygen your body is capable of using during a workout session.
It’s an overall measure of how efficient your breathing is, how many red blood cells you have, how healthy your heart is, all the good stuff you want to improve with cardio. The Apple Watch tracks it all, and you can find the stat in the Health app, too – as long as you have an Apple Watch Series 3 or later with watchOS 7 or later.
Apple has a whole whitepaper on this process – the problem is that Apple doesn’t give many direct tips on how to actually improve your VO2 max level. We’re fixing that now. Continue reading to browse the top ways to bump those numbers up.