Twitter User’s Favorite App, Tweetbot, Now on the Apple Watch
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Tweetbot is one of the most popular third-party clients for Twitter available today.
Introduced in 2011 for the iPhone, the app has gone through several iterations, but each is constantly praised by users, reviewers, and media alike.
On October 1st, Tapbots, the creators of Tweetbot, released version 4.0, a massive new redesign of the app. With iPad support, a landscape mode, several new features and a completely revamped look, the update was an immediate hit among users.
3D Touch was later added for the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. An update yesterday to Tweetbot 4.1, however, brought very exciting new functionality – support for the Apple Watch.
The Apple Watch version of the client allows users to compose and reply to tweets, view profiles, and check the Activity Feed. The app, unlike the official Twitter client for the Apple Watch, foregoes the Timeline feed, which tends to look a bit busy and cluttered on the small screen. Instead, Tweetbot defaults to the Activity Feed, which includes Mentions, Favorites, and Follows.
Users can tap tweets to view them in full, where they can be replied to or retweeted. Tapping on a user from the tweet view will direct to the user’s profile, where users can follow/unfollow, reply, and send direct messages. Using the Force Touch feature on the main screen will bring up the option to compose a new tweet, which users can do using the Apple Watch dictation feature.
While Tweetbot on the Apple Watch doesn’t currently allow you to view the timeline, and there is currently no support for a complication or a glance, many users will likely prefer the clean and easy to use interface that Tweetbot offers.
Judging by how Tweetbot”s iPhone client has progressed over the years, as well, it’s safe to say that the Apple Watch client will become more robust with features as time goes by.
Tweetbot 4.1 for iOS is now available for $4.99 at the App Store.