Delete These 7+ Apps Right Now If You’re Worried About Privacy
Apple has doubled down on privacy in recent months. Its ongoing mission to create a more secure platform for people’s private information has given many tools to Apple users to control their personal information and what apps can do with it. A recent example is iOS 14’s App Tracking Transparency feature, which allows users to choose whether or not they want to grant apps permission to track their activity, giving us a little more authority.
Although this feature is helpful for users, many companies didn’t agree with this feature. Facebook didn’t like this feature, and the company started showing notifications explaining that granting permission to track this information has many benefits, including keeping Instagram and Facebook “free.”
Despite these features, there are still apps that take advantage of users’ information. And although Facebook has a poor reputation when dealing with users’ information, it isn’t the only app that takes users’ information and uses it for different purposes. Recently, FTC Guardian shared the worst apps for privacy concerns based on a PrivacyGrade Score. There’s a lot that goes into these scores, but the general rule is that the lower the score, the more an app can track you.
Some apps on the list might not surprise you, but there are others that you probably didn’t suspect. Continue reading to browse more than seven apps you might want to delete from your iPhone immediately.