9 Apple Products You Should Not Buy (At Least Right Now)

The great thing about buying an Apple product is that you know it’s going to last for a really long time. As long as you take good care of it, you won’t need to upgrade for at least a few years.
However, if you want to have the most up-to-date Apple product you can, you don’t just need to know what to buy, but when to buy it.
Since Apple doesn’t really confirm which products are coming until they are already here, it can be hard to know when to buy a product that will not become outdated in a few weeks or months.
That’s why we often need to rely on rumors and leaks. Granted, many rumors end up being completely false, but they give you enough time and information to decide whether you really want to buy an Apple product right now or wait a few months and see if the company launches an upgraded version for the same price.
With that in mind, if you’re not in a hurry and willing to wait a few months, or you just don’t want to waste money on products that aren’t worth it, read on for 9 Apple products you shouldn’t buy — at least not right now.