New Alert Tones, Ringtones and Store
Is it just me, or are the choices of included alert sounds getting a bit stale? I think it’s time for a refresh. But rather than just adding a bunch of new tones (although this is welcome), why not revamp the entire tone store experience?
Right now, purchasing tones is done through the iTunes Store (which really needs to go, more on that in a bit). It might be better to make an entirely new tone store that shows up when you go to set a ringtone or alert tone. This could be similar to the Shortcuts Gallery or the App Store. There could be featured collections—including Apple’s very own classics—as well as other categories such as Disney, Star Trek, or Animal Sounds (to name a few).
Having top charts for free and paid tones would be nice, too. Apple could take it one step further for Apple Music subscribers, allowing us to select a portion of a song to use as our ringtone.