Focus, SharePlay, and Quick Notes Are Coming to Mac
Just like with the iPhone and iPad, Mac computers with macOS Monterey will now have the new features and changes found in FaceTime, Notes, and Focus.
Starting with FaceTime, you’ll be able to use features like Spatial Audio to have a better, more realistic listening experience when talking with friends and family in a video call. You can also use SharePlay with FaceTime on Mac – you’ll be able to share your app window or watch the same movie or TV show from a streaming service at the same time while FaceTiming.
Shared With You will also be available on Mac. That way, you can easily see what news, songs, and Podcasts your friends or family shared with you via the Messages app.
Quick Notes will be available in Monterey, too. You can open a note to write things quickly, and it’ll be automatically stored in the Notes app.
Mac computers will also feature Focus. You’ll be able to turn on Focus to customize and minimize notifications in different, specified scenarios. Plus, you’ll be able to turn on Focus across all your devices from your Mac.