New iPhone under the Tree? Here Are Ten Cool Tips to Get Started

If you were lucky enough to find a new iPhone under your Christmas tree this year, you’ve probably already dived right in to setting it up — which isn’t hard, since of course the iPhone is famous for being easy to use.
That doesn’t mean that there aren’t some other tips and tricks that are more hidden, however, and Apple wants to make sure that new iPhone users are aware of some other cool things that you can do with your iPhone that you might not realize at first glance.
Even if you’ve had an iPhone for a while, there may be some tricks here you don’t know about, and a new video from Apple Support covers “10 helpful iPhone tips you should now.”
Of course, we’ve also shared tons of tips and tricks here at iDrop News, not only for the iPhone, but for the Apple Watch and other Apple products too, so be sure to check out our full section of How To guides if you want to dig even deeper.
The tips that Apple shares in its video are still noteworthy, though, especially for their relative simplicity. These are things that you might not easily discover otherwise, which is fair, as there’s always a tradeoff between making a device easy to use and filling the screen with buttons and guides to expose every single feature. Read on for an overview of the ten helpful tips that Apple shares, while we also offer some more insight on each of them.