Apple Officially Releases iOS 14.3 and watchOS 7.2 with These 10 New Features

It’s been a year of rapid-fire iOS 14 releases, and now after barely a month in beta, Apple has just released iOS 14.3 and the accompanying watchOS 7.2 update, the third major update in the iOS 14 family, bringing with it support for Apple Fitness+, Apple’s new ProRAW format for iPhone 12 owners, and more.
In fact, this year’s iOS 14 cycle has almost broken the record set by last year’s iOS 13 point releases, but that’s even more significant since iOS 13.0 was a train wreck of a release that already had an iOS 13.1 update waiting in the wings before it even debuted. By contrast, iOS 14 has been considerably more stable, and the various point releases have really been about introducing new features rather than cleaning up previous messes.
As with most point releases, iOS 14.3 and watchOS 7.2 don’t introduce a whole lot of new features, but they still pack in some interesting and significant changes. Read on to browse 10 new features and changes in iOS 14.3.