Don’t Get an iPhone If You Want More Options
As great as the iPhone can be, it’s reached a point where all iPhones look pretty much the same. Of course, that’s not necessarily bad. Don’t fix something if it hasn’t broken.
Plus, it’s not like most Android phones don’t follow the same design either, and most of the major brands like Samsung and Google have stuck to their respective styles over the past few years. However, the broader collection of phones and phone makers in the Android market means you can still find some creative or unique-looking phones out there.
The best examples are folding phones. You can literally unfold a phone and make it twice its size, or carry a new version of a flip phone that’s still powerful and has all you need. The flippable and foldable styles have also matured over the past two years so there’s no shortage of options from various manufacturers.
Whether you want a folding phone or just want other alternatives from more companies, getting an Android phone will give you more options than Apple ever will, and you don’t need to stick with one manufacturer, so if another Android handset maker suits your fancy in the future, it’s far easier to switch.