How to Enable Night Shift from Control Center in iOS 11

Control Center has received a major overhaul in iOS 11 and looks completely different than previous iterations of iOS. There is now a single page which displays tiles that you can interact with as well as expand to view additional controls.

While the new Control Center displays more toggles and buttons, one of the controls that is hard to find is Night Shift. Many of you might assume that Apple removed Night Shift from the iOS 11 Control Center, but the truth is that it is still there, except that it is hidden.

When you enable Night Shift, your iPhone’s screen color turns to warm yellow and allows you to use your iPhone in a dark environment without straining your eyes.

In iOS 9 and iOS 10, the Night Shift button was easily accessible via Control Center, but things seem to have changed in iOS 11. Nonetheless, Night Shift is still accessible from the iOS 11 Control Center and in this guide, we will show you how it is done.

How to Enable Night Shift from Control Center in iOS 11

  1. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to open Control Center.

  2. 3D Touch on the vertical brightness slider. If your device doesn’t have 3D Touch, then you can tap and hold on the brightness slider.

  3. The brightness slider expands to full screen and displays an additional button below it for Night Shift. Tap on the Night Shift button to enable it.

    And that’s it. As you can see, it is still easy to access Night Shift from the iOS 11 Control Center. The only difference is that it is now hidden beneath the brightness slider which is why many users have a hard time finding it. Once you know where it is, it should be easy to toggle it on or off the next time.

    If you wish to schedule Night Shift so that it turns on automatically at a specific time of the day, follow the steps in the next guide.

How to Schedule Night Shift in iOS 11

  1. Open the Settings app and go to Display & Brightness.

  2. Tap on Night Shift.

  3. Turn on the toggle for Scheduled. You can now set the time interval during which Night Shift should enable and disable automatically.

  4. The settings pane of Night Shift also allows you to adjust its color temperature. Simply slide the Color Temperature slider towards Less Warm or More Warm depending on your preference.

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