Top 10 Most Common New Year’s Resolutions and the Apps to Make Them A Success

New Year’s resolutions are a way for everyone to start over and become a better person than they were last year. Whether it’s to get in shape, relax more, or even drop some bad habits, resolutions are a great way to improve upon yourself and start fresh.

That being said, it’s not always easy to keep these promises to yourself throughout the year. Not to worry, apps are here to come to the rescue!

We have compiled a list that will be sure to assist in making all of your New Year’s Resolutions a success.

1. Lose Weight and Get Fit: Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker by MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal is known for comping up with a ton of different apps and programs that are meant to promote health and wellness. Our favorite app for making sure you keep in shape and get fit for the new year is Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker.

This app is the best quality dieting app we could find; with simple usability and an aesthetically pleasing interface, changing your eating habits have never been easier. This app has the largest food database of any iPhone calorie counter with over 5 million foods and growing. There are easy-to-read stats page that will help your account for what you are eating and track how much weight you are losing.

You also have the option to track exercise and can connect with third party apps such as RunKeeper, Apple’s HealthKit, and many more! With MyFitnessPal’s app, you’ll never falter from your weight loss and health goals. Download this app here at the iTunes Store.

2. Quit Smoking: Smoke Free

Smoking a horrible habit; we all know this. However, quitting is easier said than done. Luckily, there are apps that can assist you in transforming your smoking health habits into positive ones.

With Smoke Free, you can take a scientific approach to your smoke-detox. With this app, you log your cravings and get specific tips on how to deal with them. You can also try and see where your smoking triggers come from and note any patterns that may be identifiable on a graph.

Smoke Free also tells you how much money you will be saving, how many cigarettes you’ve resisted, how long you have been smoke-free, as well as health improvement updates daily. This app is completely free so quitting for the new year comes with no excuses. Get Smoke Free here at the iTunes Store.

3. Learn Something New: WolframAlpha

Learning new things is what keeps the mind strong and vibrant. It is important for everyone to keep learning and gathering knowledge through their whole life to stay productive and growing.

Well the good news is that the whole universe is at your fingertips with this amazing app. WolframAlpha is the go-to app for figuring out answers to any questions that will come to your mind. Think of this app like a computer in Star Trek that is an all-encompassing sources for instant knowledge and computation.

If you need to figure out what time the tide comes in at 7pm in Hawaii tomorrow, or what the answer to an algebraic equation, WolframAlpha can tell you the answer.

This app covers everything from physics, to chemistry, to weather and geography. Get this fantastic reference app for only $2.99 here at the iTunes Store.

4. Eat Healthier and Diet: HealthyOut

One of the biggest (and most clichéd) New Year’s resolutions every year is to eat better and stick to a diet. It can be argued that one of the hardest things about sticking to a diet is when you go out to eat.

Who says you can’t have both though? That’s where HealthyOut comes in to eliminate this roadblock in your diet plan. This app helps you to search through tons of local takeout, delivery, and eat-in menus in over 500 cities. You can filter through your restaurant options for things such as high protein, low cal, or even heart healthy.

This app will ensure that you can go out and enjoy restaurants with friends and family without seriously breaking your diet. No more missing out on the glories of dining out! You can get the HealthyOut dieting app for free here at the iTunes Store.

5. Get Out of Debt and Save Money: Level Money

Saving money is great for everyone’s wallet. If you need a budget (and you probably do), you are going to want to download Level Money app. This app will update you throughout the day on how you spend as well as much you have left in your budget.

This app syncs with your checking or savings account then examines how much you have left after seeing what you have spent for a day. After this day, it will calculate a daily spending average to see how much you can save or the next week or month. This app is great for gaining insights into where your money goes, as well as alert you to any low funds you may have. With charts, spending patterns, and savings tracking, Level Money App is going to help you keep your resolution to stick to a tighter budget. Get this budgeting app here for free at the iTunes Store.

6. Spend More Time with Family: Cozi Family Organizer

Spending quality time with your family is important for well-being and living a balanced life. However, it can be easy to spend a lot of your time at the office or working on projects that tear you away from your loved ones. Thankfully, there is an app that will help with work life balance and make sure you spend more time with your family.

Cozi Family Organizer is an app that is specifically designed to make sure that your whole family stays in the loop with what is going on in your life. This app includes a family calendar so you can view the whole family’s schedule, shared lists that anyone can access, to-do lists, automated agendas, and much more.

If you are struggling to spend more time with family, just add an appointment that everyone can see and set a reminder so you don’t miss any events. You can make your family a priority easier in the New Year by downloading this free app here, at the iTunes Store.

7. Travel to New Places: FlightTrack Pro

Travel is one of the greatest joys of the human experience. Traveling to new places can broaden your horizons as well as give you some perspective on your own life. If you want to get out of your bubble and experience new destinations as one of your New Year’s Resolutions, you may want to download FlightTrack Pro.

This travel app has a database of over 3000 airports and 1400 airlines so you can manage, search, and stay updated on all things flying. Whether you want to be alerted to flight prices, get a view of terminals in different countries, or even look up weather delays, FlightTrack Pro has got you covered.

You can jumpstart your travel plans by downloading this app for $9.99 here at the iTunes Store.

8. Be Less Stressed: Calm

Stress in an inevitable part of life; however, managing stress doesn’t have to be as hard. Maybe one of your resolutions for the New Year is to stay calm and stress less. We have written about this app before, and we love it as the best app for staying stress-free in the New Year.

Calm is exactly that; an app that helps you to maintain inner peace and stay calm in a hectic world. You can use this app for guided meditation, which teaches you the basics of mindfulness, deep breathing, as well as how to obtain correct posture.

You can also use unguided sessions which has 25 relaxing option to help reach ultimate relaxation. Keep your cool in the new year by downloading Calm, here at the iTunes Store.

9. Volunteer More: GiveGab

Perhaps one of our New Year’s resolutions is to give back and volunteer more. Even if your intentions are good, it’s not always easy to find out who and where your help is needed.

Luckily apps like GiveGab can cut out all the work and find a place to serve. This app asks you to build a profile and then help you search through thousands of nonprofit’s for volunteer opportunities in your community.

You can filter through these searches to find the cause that means the most to you or fits whatever skills you have to offer. From here you can sign up online (or contact the organization directly with provided information), as well as log your hours and share photos and your experience.

This app also serves as a social media site where others can see pictures of your volunteer work. This app is completely free to download, and can be done so here, at the iTunes Store.

10. Drink Less: DrinkControl

Maybe your resolution (after your New Year’s bash of course) is stop drinking as much. Most people are unaware of how much alcohol you can drink in order to keeping your drinking in moderation.

Luckily (and similarly to quitting smoking), there is an app that can help you manage how much alcohol you consume. DrinkControl will track and convert your alcohol into different quantities such as glasses, cans, or bottles. This app will let you know when you are going over the limit as well as how much money you have spent on drinks.

Not only will this app track your financial quantities, but your caloric quantities as well. DrinkControl tracks how many calories and sugars you are drinking away with each glass of wine.

Slowing down on your alcohol intake is going to be a breeze when you use this app. Download this sobering app here for $4.99 at the iTunes Store.

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