Apple’s Next iPhone could Include New Features that Upset Mobile Carriers

Apple’s next iPhone may come with a feature that will upset wireless carriers. Apple is considering shipping its new iPhone with an apple SIM card which was announced for the iPad Air 2 last October.
The SIM card comes preinstalled on the iPad Air 2 with Wi-Fi and Cellular modes. This gives consumers the flexibility to choose from a variety of short-term plans from select carriers in the U.S. and the U.K. on your iPad. If you need it, you can choose a plan that works best for you with no long-term commitments. For example, if you are traveling, you can choose a data plan from a local carrier for the length of your trip.

If Apple does decide to put its own SIM card in the next iPhone, carriers may have to offer more perks to make sure consumers continue to buy phones from them. Consumers may want to buy an iPhone at full price to have the freedom and flexibility to switch data plans between carriers that offer better deals. AT&T has already placed some limits on how Apple SIM would work on its network in October. There are still 6 months until the next iPhone announcement; so much can change between now and then.

Another rumor that has been gaining steam is the rumor that the new handset is going to undergo quite a performance upgrade. There is a fair amount of speculation surrounding 6S’s processor. Some relatively trustworthy rumors suggest that the 6S will feature a 14 nanometer A9 processor made by Samsung. However, AppleInsider cites a “trusted source” in reporting that the iPhone 6S will feature 2GB of RAM. The memory upgrade seems like a logical progression, as the recently released iPad Air 2 also featured 2GB of RAM. The combination of an upgraded processor and increased RAM should result in an incredibly quick and smooth iOS experience.

The iPhone 6S (and likely the 6S Plus) are expected to be made available this upcoming September. As always, for the most up-to-date info on the next generation of iPhones, stay tuned to

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