This English Woman Set up Her Home Office on a Train and It’s Awesome

While traveling aboard the First Class cabin of a London-bound train, commuters were astonished to see a woman who’d seemingly converted her seat into a full-fledged office — complete with what appears to be a 21.5-inch iMac, a mechanical keyboard, and other office essentials.

As reported by The Telegraph, one of those utterly astounded passengers was Mr. David Hill of Austin, Texas. A native of Middlesborough, Hill explained to The Telegraph that he often travels aboard similar trains for work, and was on his way from Darlington to a meeting in London at the time.

“It was the Virgin East Coast Darlington [to] London on Tuesday 14:58 in First Class. I had just been to the vestibule and walked past and saw the full iMac computer on the table,” Hill said, while adding that he’d “never seen anything like it.”

“I had to look twice, I was shocked to see such a large computer on the small table. At first I thought she was a staff member, so I actually walked past, and then thought I had to take a photo.”

Hill said he works for a software company in Austin, and often travels internationally in the U.K. for work. He said he’s never seen anything quite like what he saw that day, however, even after 15-years of being active in his line of work.

“The lady had a full wired keyboard and mouse,” Hill added. “I am still puzzled why someone would carry a desktop computer around, when a laptop would give her the same options, with more portability.”

Since sharing the photo on Twitter, it has been liked and re-Tweeted thousands of times. Unfortunately, despite attempts to figure out who the woman is, she still remains anonymous. Some Twitter users have since questioned the authenticity of the photo, alleging that it might be a photoshop; however Mr. Hill insists that it’s “absolutely real,” noting such attributes as the reflection of the iMac’s brightly-lit screen on the woman’s water bottle, for example.

Despite the audacity, this unidentified woman wouldn’t be the first to set up her desktop in an unconventional public setting. Back in 2012, for example, The Atlantic reported on a similar instance in which a man was spotted using his massive, 27-inch iMac at a local Starbucks.

As unconventional as it may seem, our hats go off to this woman for not letting her travels stand in the way of her productivity.

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