Watch a Perfectly Good iPhone 7 Turn into a Fidget Spinner

Fidget spinners. They’re the nearly ubiquitous toy that has invaded offices, classrooms and homes across the country. And now, the trend has apparently invaded the Apple ecosystem, too.

YouTuber EverythingApplePro posted a video yesterday showing off a “mod” to turn an iPhone into a $700 fidget spinner. “Mod” is in quotes because the method in question actually just involves drilling a hole through an iPhone and installing a ball bearing. That’s right, there’s no magic method to turning your beloved smartphone into a fidget spinner without destroying it. And EverythingApplePro actually “modded” several working iPhones in the video — including an iPhone 7. Sure, they actually spin fairly well, but come on.

There are quite a few YouTubers who solely make videos destroying expensive pieces of technology — and they happen to be pretty popular. This video is obviously trying to capitalize on that popularity while also riding on the current fidget spinner craze. But hey, if you’re itching to watch a perfectly good iPhone get destroyed / magically transformed, it might be worth a view.

We obviously don’t recommend this “mod” — even if you happen to have, for whatever reason, a bunch of spare iPhones lying around. You could certainly put them to better use by recycling, selling, donating or even giving them away. Having said that, if you’re still dead set on creating an obscenely expensive, Apple-branded fidget spinner, make sure to remove the battery first. Lithium-ion batteries are notorious for catching fire or exploding, and drilling a hole through one is a surefire way to test your luck.

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