Star Wars Mega-Fan Recreates Trailer Using an Apple Computer from 1984

If you’re a fan of the popular Star Wars franchise, then you’re likely super-stoked about the upcoming film, The Last Jedi, which will begin playing in select U.S. theaters on December 15, 2017. And while fans will arguably differ in their personal affections towards the fantasy film series, one talented illustrator has proven that he’s hands down the biggest Star Wars fan he knows..Wahyu Ichwandardi, who was born in Indonesia but is now based in New York City, is such a hardcore Star Wars fan that he recently endeavored to sit down to (painstakingly) recreate the trailer for the upcoming Star Wars: The Last Jedi film — and he did the majority of the work by hand, using little more than a 1984 Apple IIc computer, an 80s-era KodakPad, and an entry-level, bitmap-based art program (also from the 80s) called DazzleDraw.

Interestingly, according to Mashable, this same seemingly archaic configuration was once considered the “most complete computer graphics system” that money could buy. Though as you’ll see in the video below, it’s pretty clear just how far we’ve come over the last 30 years or so.

In stark contrast to today’s complex methods of digital drawing and design, what Ichwandardi had to do to accomplish his goal was manually hand draw each animation, layer by layer, all the while using plastic sheets placed over his monitor to guide him along as he traced each frame from the actual trailer for reference.

Armed with his retro equipment, Ichwandardi reportedly spent three whole weeks creating the short, monochromatic, green-hued trailer. In all, he produced 288 image files (illustrations) totaling just 6MB. As pursuant with his archaic setup, however, Ichwandardi then stored the files on a total of 48 floppy disks — each of which provided 140KB of memory.

Check out Ichwandardi’s complete trailer in the Tweet below, followed by the original Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer, and then decide for yourself which is more compelling!

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