Siri Is Schooling People on ‘All Lives Matter’

Wachiwit / Shutterstock

People who say the phrase “All Lives Matter” to Siri may not get the response they expected. Instead of providing a mere definition, Apple’s personal digital assistant is schooling them in the usage of the term and providing them with information on Black Lives Matter.

Apple reminds those who use the phrase ‘All Lives Matter” that it is “often used in response to the phrase Black Lives Matter,” but clarifies that “it does not represent the same concerns.”

Siri then advises the user to learn more about Black Lives Matter and provides a link to the BLM website.

Those who say “Black Lives Matter” to Siri will get the response, “Yes, they absolutely do.” Siri again also provides a link to the Black Lives Matter website.

These changes in Siri were rolled out without any public statement or formal announcement.

Like many other companies, Apple has publicly spoken out on racism and the senseless killing of George Floyd.

Apple is committed to doing more to help black communities and communities of color by focusing their internal efforts and supporting companies that fight for equality and justice.

This isn’t the first time Apple has responded to global events. Earlier this year, the company updated Siri with information about the coronavirus pandemic and added support for COVID-19 tracing and symptom checking to iOS.

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