Why iPhone Users Need Password Managers

Most of our transactions today occur digitally: paying utility bills, watching shows and movies, streaming music, you name it — and it’s highly likely we’re doing it online. Imagine the number of websites you visit on a daily basis, and how many online accounts you have.

It’s also highly likely you use the same password for your favorite department store’s online shop as you do for your email — and that’s actually a disastrous mistake in terms of your digital security. But who has the time to develop complex, unique password strings for all of your favorite websites? That’s where a password manager comes into play.

What Is a Password Manager?

A password manager helps generate, store and retrieve complex passwords from an encrypted database. All users need to do is create and remember one “master” password to unlock all of the others. Imagine the amount of time you waste retrieving and resetting just one password, for one website. A password manager will save you time and increase your online security.

What Are My Options?

Here’s the thing: not all password managers are created equal. It’s essential to use an industry-respected version, like Sticky Password Premium. Other password managers, while free, might not have the same level of security offered by Sticky Password Premium, which uses military-grade AES-256 encryption.

Get it here for 80% off the full price of $149.99, just $29.99 for a lifetime subscription.

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