Google Maps Aids Users During Coronavirus Epidemic in an Unexpected Way

Rohane Hamilton / Shutterstock

The coronavirus epidemic continues its spread worldwide after first appearing in China earlier this year. The virus is propagating like wildfire, leaving no major country untouched.

It’s hard to discern from news reports where the coronavirus outbreaks are the worst. It’s even harder to tell how it has impacted communities. But, thanks to Google’s mapping and search technology, business owners in affected regions can provide updates to their customers and employees in an instant.

Google recently expanded its support section to include a page dedicated to the coronavirus. The page steps business owners through the process of updating their My Business profile page. This informational page details the hours of operation, location, and more for a business.

  1. A business that is closed due to the coronavirus can change its hours instantly and add closure information in its description. These details are then discoverable via search and viewable on Google Maps.
  2. Business owners can also create a post that communicates information beyond these basic business details.
  3. Businesses can provide updates on the services they offer and communicate any changes in status regularly to both customers and employees.

Apple, like most businesses, is responding to the outbreak with a focus on keeping their customers and employees safe. The company is asking its employees to work from home if their job allows. Apple is also offering unlimited paid leave to encourage retail workers to stay at home when they are sick. The company is limiting public events and deep cleaning both their office and retail locations.

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