3 Reasons Why You Should Learn to Code

Coding: it seems like the new hot ticket skill to learn, but can also be intimidating for people unfamiliar with the tech space. If learning to code seems totally unapproachable to you (i.e., long lines of zeros and ones and possibly entering into another dimension), don’t worry. Understanding and eventually mastering the art of coding is far more accessible than you might think it is.

Plus, learning how to code can jumpstart a lucrative new career or profitable side project — once you learn its ins and outs, there’s no telling the potential you could reap from knowing how to leverage this skill.

Learning to code requires a few basic things: a strong work ethic, sense of focus and ultimately, concentration.

Coding isn’t necessarily learning a new language (even though we differentiate different types of codes by calling them as such) — it’s understanding a workflow and process. Coding strips down thinking into logical processes, and even applies to other subjects and applications. No matter what programmatic language you’re learning, coding helps strip a problem down into the logical steps it takes to resolve that problem. You’re just using a language the computer comprehends in order to solve it.

Benefits of Learning to Code

3. Approach Problems Differently and More Effectively

In general, the logic of programming helps you think differently. By learning to code, you’ll start to process information from a bird’s eye view. Instead of getting lost in the details, you’ll examine problems from a macro perspective, taking in large amounts of information and data and funneling that into solutions. Basically, you’ll adapt to problem solving — and instead of getting frustrated when you hit a roadblock, your thinking becomes adaptive enough to pivot and productively seek a new fix.

2. Get a Career Boost

Learning to code can open up new doors and opportunities for advancement at your current workplace — but also invite fresh ones in. From high-paying salaried gigs to incredibly lucrative freelance jobs and side projects, you can earn a considerable amount of new income. And all money aside, you could even land a job at an exciting company that’s disrupting the way an entire industry works. Just look at the likes of Uber, DoorDash and Postmates — these industries are revolutionizing the way people approach the intersection of technology and service.

1. Accelerate Your Ideas

Are you a dreamer, or a do-er? Well, who said you can’t be both — when you learn how to code, you’ll find ways to bring all those late-night ideas to life. If you’ve thought of an idea that could be the next big tech boom, an education in code could be just the thing you need to start an exciting new venture. On-demand puppy service? Count us in.

If you want to gain a strong foundation in code without paying thousands in student tuition or sitting in stuffy offices and conference rooms, check out The Ultimate Learn to Code 2017 Bundle. This immersive program offers 80+ hours of training in everything from Ruby on Rails to Java, and Python to SQL programming. You’ll get ten courses that dive deep into different languages, building your knowledge from the ground up for just $49 (95% off the full price). Master them one at a time, or as quick as your schedule will allow — you set your own pace. Get it here.

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