Apple CarPlay Finally Supports Google Maps

YouTube / iTwe4kz

Apple’s CarPlay platform has exploded in popularity, as evidenced by the growing list of automobile-makers who’ve either already adopted, or have plans to adopt, Cupertino’s innovative infotainment platform on some (if not all) of their upcoming vehicles.

One of the most compelling CarPlay features, of course, is that the platform runs on a tweaked and somewhat watered-down version of iOS — meaning users whose vehicle’s are equipped with adequate hardware can access a variety of Apple apps and services, including Apple Maps turn-by-turn Navigation, from the comfort of their car’s touchscreen display.

And while Apple Maps has up until this point served as the default mapping and navigation app on the CarPlay platform, those seeking a viable alternative will be happy to know that Google Maps has officially joined the ranks of CarPlay-compatibility. 

That’s right, folks! According to a brief review of the new functionality published this afternoon to MacStories, CarPlay users now have access to a Google Maps CarPlay extension when they download the Google Maps app.

Apple Maps vs. Google Maps?

Whether Google Maps navigation is a “better” alternative to Apple Maps, ultimately comes down to a matter of personal opinion and preference. 

As John Voorhees notes in his preliminary review, Google Maps on CarPlay has several advantages (and disadvantages) compared to Apple Maps. For instance, Voorhees believes that  “Google’s app has a cleaner look and isometric viewpoint, which is used even when you are not traveling a route”; whereas, in comparison, “Apple’s is a more cluttered looking top-down view.”

Voorhees goes on to note a number of additional pros and cons about the Google Maps interface and functionality on CarPlay, but ultimately concludes that Apple Maps is more efficient where he lives and works.

He concedes, however, that Google Maps has a solid design, fluid interface and works well, overall, especially for those whose vehicle’s are equipped with reliable 4G LTE connections.

To download Google Maps click here.

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